Heal with the Rainbow

I've been intrigued by LED Light Therapy for a few years after my mom gave me a home device as a birthday gift.

Unlike ultraviolet light - namely UVA and UVB - which are damaging to the skin (UVA causing wrinkles and UVB causing cancer), visible light like that from LED is being studied for its beneficial effects on the skin.

Different wavelengths of the visible light spectrum correspond to different colors of LED light and penetrate the skin to different depths. Depending on how deeply they penetrate, LED lights are thought to have different biological effects.

While more robust evidence to back LED is still emerging, what science has connected is that LED has an effect on fibroblasts, the collagen-producing cells in the skin especially with red and blue light (or the combination color purple).

Benefits of LED Light Therapy

  • Non-invasive and painless

  • Enhances mitochondrial energy production + speeds up healing, especially post-procedure

  • Softens lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen production

  • Alleviates acne + breakouts by reducing inflammation and targeting C.acnes bacteria

  • Supports hydration in the skin

  • Reduces age spots, discoloration, and sun damage

Red Light

One of the most effective wavelengths, renowned for improving blood flow, stimulating the production of energy within body cells, + decreasing inflammation

Orange Light

An ideal option to increase energy production in cells and accelerate metabolism, and may restore glow to dull skin

Yellow Light

Great for those with sensitive skin, especially for skin conditions like UV damage, rosacea, flushing, redness, and inflammation

Green Light

Helpful to reduce melasma and other skin discoloration issues because it targets melanocytes (the pigment-producing cells in the bottom layer of the epidermis), so excess melanin is blocked from traveling to the surface of the skin

Blue Light

Helpful to those with acne due to the effect on the sebaceous glands and antibacterial effect on C.acnes, helping to successfully treat and prevent breakouts

Purple Light

Combination of blue and red light, thought to enhance cell regeneration, antibacterial effects, and collagen production to reduce lines and wrinkles

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