The Cure by Dr. Katie: the Nutritional Powerhouse of Barvida’s New Smoothie

Food is information. Some ingredients—especially when organic— stand out for their exceptional nutritional benefits and their delivery of fiber, fat and protein.

Barvida’s smoothie The Cure by Dr. Katie tastes like a  tantalizing “strawberry-pineapple mint julep.” And has 15g of fiber and 20g of protein! 

Let's delve into the benefits of each ingredient:

  1. Strawberries: Bursting with flavor and vibrant color, strawberries are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber. These nutrients promote skin health, aid in digestion, and bolster the immune system.

  2. Pineapple: Known for its tropical sweetness, pineapple is packed with bromelain, an enzyme renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties that decreases allergies and enhances digestion. Additionally, it provides vitamin C, manganese, and antioxidants, supporting immune function and aiding digestion.

  3. Avocado: Creamy and versatile, avocados are a nutritional powerhouse. They're loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, potassium, and vitamins E, K, and B6. Consuming avocados promotes satiety, supports brain health, and may lower cholesterol levels.

  4. Cucumbers: With their high water content and refreshing taste, cucumbers are hydrating and low in calories. They contain antioxidants, vitamins K and C, and silica, contributing to radiant skin, hydration, and bone health.

  5. Celery: Often lauded for its distinctive flavor, celery is a low-calorie vegetable rich in antioxidants, vitamins K and C, and fiber. It aids in digestion, promotes hydration, and may help lower blood pressure.

  6. Mint: Beyond its aromatic appeal, mint offers numerous health benefits. It aids in digestion, alleviates nausea, and soothes headaches. Additionally, mint contains antioxidants and may help freshen breath. 

  7. Psyllium Husk: Recognized for its soluble fiber content, psyllium husk promotes digestive health by supporting regularity of stools. It also helps lower cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar levels.

  8. Mesquite: Mesquite powder, derived from the pods of the mesquite tree, is rich in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It has a sweet, nutty flavor and may help regulate blood sugar levels.

  9. Maple Syrup: A natural sweetener with a distinct flavor, maple syrup contains antioxidants and minerals such as manganese and zinc. It serves as a healthier alternative to refined sugars, providing energy and enhancing dishes with its rich taste.

  10. Tart Cherry Juice: Tart cherry juice is renowned for its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It may aid in reducing muscle soreness and joint discomfort, improving sleep quality, and supporting heart health.

  11. Almond Milk: A dairy-free alternative to cow's milk, almond milk is rich in calcium, vitamin E, and unsaturated fats. It promotes bone health, supports skin health, and is suitable for individuals with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies.

  12. Plant Protein: A combination of pea, brown rice and sacha incha proteins combine to provide 20g of protein in this smoothie. Known for their easily digestible, allergen-friendly ingredients (free of gluten, dairy, soy and nuts), this environmentally- sustainable combination delivers complete protein (meaning all the essential amino acids) including branched-chain amino acids and omega 3 fats as well as free-radial protection from the high anti-oxidant content.