Why Fiber is the Key to Sustained Energy and a Healthier You: The Dr. Katie Detox Advantage

Fiber is your best friend! And we are serious about fiber in our meal plan for the Dr. Katie Detox!

Having about 25g of fiber per day in your diet makes a huge difference in several important health areas:

  • Fiber acts like a broom your digestion and fuels your microbiome: fiber from plants bulks the stool, helping it to pass cleanly through the digestive track. And who doesn’t love a good poop first thing in the morning to get your day off to a great start? Think about every fiber-rich food you eat like fertilizer for the good probiotics in your gut. It’s your duty to keep your microbiome happy.

  • Fiber acts like a squeegee in your blood vessels: fiber and phytonutrients in plant-rich foods reduces inflammation in the blood vessels, therefore decreasing the production of cholesterol in the liver and - thus - reducing plaque formation. Additionally, fiber binds to circulating cholesterol and helps to prevent absorption from foods.

  • Fiber anchors your blood sugar: eating the right balance of protein + fiber + fat - like in our signature detox meals - helps to balance the blood sugar, preventing you from feeling hungry. Fiber helps with the signaling of leptin (or satiety hormone) and ghrelin (our hungry hormone) in the brain, letting your body know that nutrient-dense food has been consumed, turning off the hunger signals.

Sustained Energy

Sustained energy throughout the day comes from eating regular meals (not skipping because you’re too busy) that have the right balance of protein, fat and fiber. When you start your day with about 30g of protein and about 10g of fiber, your body knows that it’s been fed and that it can do its good cellular work. Prevention of fatigue through the day is, of course, reliant on your stress levels and sleep cycle as well, but I think we underestimate how much fatigue comes from undereating nourishing food and overeating processed carbohydrates. The next time you’re tired after a meal, take a look at the components of that meal. Did it meet your macronutrient goals?

I hope you join us for a Dr. Katie Detox in your future! I’d love to show you how we take high-quality ingredients and transform them into nourishing meals that satisfy.

This blog and website do not provide medical advice. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be relied on to make decisions about your health. Always check with your own healthcare provider before taking a new supplement and before making any significant diet, lifestyle, exercise or other changes. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on this site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.


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