Understanding Autoimmune Diseases: Root-Cause Healing with Naturopathic Care

Cammie, a lovely woman in her 40s with a chocolate-brown bob and kids a little older than me, lived next door to us when I was growing up. She was the only person I knew who had lupus. As a kid, I had absolutely no idea what that meant, aside from that her knees sometimes bothered her. On the outside, she seemed vibrant, healthy and engaged in her kids’ lives.

We never truly know what someone else is dealing with or the burden they carry. 

Lupus, like many conditions, may not change someone’s outward appearance but can have terrible internal consequences that can cause someone to feel physical pain, fatigue and more, not to mention a mental/emotional impact. 

Conditions like lupus, of which there are multiple types, fall under the autoimmune umbrella.

Autoimmune disease refers to a growing number of 80+ conditions, in which your own immune system launches an attack on your body itself. Your immune system is powerful, but if it becomes confused and starts launching self-attacks, it can cause all sorts of symptoms and health problems.

  • Some of the more common autoimmune symptoms include joint pain, muscle weakness, neuropathies, fatigue, and mental/emotional effects.

  • Inflammation, related to immune dysfunction, is a hallmark of autoimmune disease.

  • The mental/emotional weight of dealing with an autoimmune condition can be incredibly heavy and is usually compounded by the disease itself. 

  • Examples of autoimmune disease include: rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, scleroderma and lupus.

  • Autoimmune conditions can be difficult to pinpoint and diagnose, as there can be many factors at play and lab work doesn’t always reveal what’s happening inside with these conditions.

  • A big part of understanding autoimmune conditions and how to offer support is based on clinical presentation, which includes the signs and symptoms someone is experiencing as well as more qualitative measures of improvement.

While autoimmune conditions are vast and varied, a common thread is that, for many, you may not be aware someone has an autoimmune condition unless they open up to you about it. These are often invisible illnesses that require extra care and support. 

If you suspect the symptoms you’re experiencing may fall into the autoimmune category, the first step is digging deeper to determine the cause of your symptoms. If we can determine the right diagnosis, that’s helpful - but even without a specific diagnosis, we can still support you towards healing. 

It’s also hugely important to know that help and support is available. You don’t have to wait for a diagnosis to feel improvement, and you can take action now. 

Naturopathic care is uniquely positioned to support people experiencing autoimmune conditions and symptoms.

  • It’s truly root-cause medicine, as we seek to facilitate healing at a deep level while also offering symptom relief.

  • We use natural therapies that tend to be better tolerated and have a beautiful synergy with supporting your body, always with an eye towards not aggravating symptoms.

As a naturopathic doctor, I’m like a health detective and this whole-person, root-cause approach can be hugely helpful when you’re dealing with so many ongoing autoimmune concerns. At Dr. Katie Wellness Insights, I specialize in autoimmune and chronic conditions. 

Schedule a complimentary exploratory call with me to learn more about how I can support you.


National Institutes of Health


The Cleveland Clinic

This blog and website do not provide medical advice. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be relied on to make decisions about your health. Always check with your own healthcare provider before taking a new supplement and before making any significant diet, lifestyle, exercise or other changes. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on this site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.


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