Therapeutic Presence: The Art of Healing by Simply Showing Up

By Maria Allen, LMT

In today’s fast-paced world, the simple act of being fully present can feel revolutionary. Discover how Therapeutic Presence transforms not only personal connections but also professional practices. Learn how mindfulness, attention, and intentional presence can unlock new possibilities for healing and deep, meaningful interactions.

“The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” – Thich Nhat Hanh, renowned Buddhist monk, teacher, author, and peace activist.

Several weeks ago, a longtime friend and I met in Neptune, NJ, the half-way point between our homes. We sometimes go months without seeing each other, but when we get together or speak over a phone call, we can jump right back into easy conversations and laughter. I treasure those times with my friend, where we create an oasis of complete freedom to be and say whatever is on our minds and hearts. It’s a no-judgment zone of safety, inspiration, and acceptance…a true invitation to listen, exhale, and reset. This state of being in the present moment parallels one of the most important elements of my massage and Craniosacral Therapy practice. It’s called Therapeutic Presence. 

What is Therapeutic Presence?

In her book Full Body Presence, one of my teachers, Suzanne Scurlock, defines therapeutic presence as “The capacity to hold a healing space for another with your calm and centered state of being. This presence amplifies the effectiveness of whatever technical skills you already have and contributes to healthy treatment outcomes. It is a quality of being, a rapport, which feels healing, steady, and safe.”  

In preparation for each session, I take time in meditation to get present in my own body and bring myself into a space of being more receptive. This receptivity is a powerful tool that helps me listen to what each client is saying and how their body feels under my hands during a massage or Craniosacral session. Therapeutic presence helps me know how to proceed in a session: where to focus and offer both physical and energetic assistance in the healing process.  When we feel seen and heard in a safe space, the body naturally relaxes and exhales into a deeper state of receptivity. From this parasympathetic (rest, digest) state, we can release layers of tension, increase circulation, open our minds and hearts to new possibilities, and reconnect with our body’s self-healing wisdom and vitality.

Significant discoveries and shifts can be felt and integrated into the physical, mental, and emotional body when someone is holding therapeutic presence for another. The spaciousness and energetic quality of presence sets the foundation for both people to communicate heart to heart, or as they say in yoga, we see each other in a state of “Namaste,” which means the light in me sees and honors the light in you.  

Life is also experienced more fully in this heightened state of presence, and we are more likely to take time to notice and appreciate the beauty of a sunrise, the taste and texture of food, and how wonderful it feels to give and receive a hug. When we are intentionally present for someone, we listen with all of our senses and make room for an answer to questions we ask such as “how are you today? This intention to be attentive connects us more fully to others, and in this space of heightened awareness, the present moment becomes more fully experienced.

Simone Weil, a French social philosopher and activist wrote so beautifully about this quality of listening and paying attention. She said, “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” This quality of presence is integral in my massage and Craniosacral Therapy sessions.  As we experience the expansiveness of someone who is fully present and holding a safe space for us, it’s easier to be in a state of acceptance and presence in our own body, mind, and heart.  

As my friend and I sat on the rooftop deck of the bed and breakfast in Neptune, time stopped or at least slowed to a pace where we could truly enjoy being…in our bodies, with each other, under a gorgeous windy beach sky, gratefully present and more alive in the moment.    

In a world that often pulls us in many directions, the power of Therapeutic Presence reminds us to slow down and truly show up for ourselves and others. By cultivating a calm and centered state of being, we create a healing space where profound connections and transformations can occur. Whether in personal relationships or professional practices, being fully present opens the door to deeper understanding, acceptance, and the beauty of the present moment. Embrace the art of showing up, and witness the incredible impact it can have on your life and those around you.


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