Managing Menopausal Symptoms: 5 Ways to Decrease Hot Flashes

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life, often accompanied by a variety of symptoms that can be challenging to manage. Among the most common and troublesome symptoms are hot flashes and night sweats, affecting up to 82% of women. Symptoms can range from occasionally feeling warm to full-on sweats that decrease quality of life.

In the quest for relief, many women turn to complementary therapies either alongside or instead of menopausal hormone therapy, with plant-based supplements being a popular choice. There are many effective natural solutions to help alleviate the symptoms of perimenopause.

Understanding Phytoestrogens and Their Role

Phytoestrogens are plant compounds that mimic the structure and function of human hormones, specifically estrogen. As women age, levels of estradiol, the most bio-active form of estrogen, naturally decline. This decrease can lead to vasomotor instability in the temperature regulating part of the hypothalamus in the brain, contributing to hot flashes and night sweats.  Phytoestrogens can help mitigate these symptoms by compensating for the drop in estradiol levels.

Key Supplements and Their Benefits

  1. Isoflavones (40-80 mg/day)

    • Benefits: Isoflavones, particularly genistein and daidzein, have been shown to significantly reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes. We recommend getting isoflavones from whole organic soy like tofu, tempeh or edamame.

    • Evidence: A meta-analysis of 17 trials found a 20.6% reduction in hot flash frequency and a 26.2% reduction in severity compared to placebo. Isoflavones with 18.8 mg of genistein were twice as effective in reducing hot flash frequency. This is the equivalent of eating ⅓ to ½ cup organic edamame.

    • Usage: Noticeable improvements are typically observed within 6-12 weeks of consistent use.

  2. St. John’s Wort (900 mg/day)

    • Benefits: Known for its mood-boosting properties, St. John’s Wort also helps in reducing the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.It’s especially useful for those experiencing depression, fatigue or low mood with perimenopause.

    • Evidence: Women aged 40 to 65 with three or more hot flashes per day reported an improved quality of life and significant symptom reduction after three months of supplementation.

    • Usage: A minimum of 12 weeks of daily intake is recommended for best results.

  3. Black Cohosh (100 mg/day)

    • Benefits: This herb is effective in alleviating menopausal vasomotor symptoms, including hot flashes and night sweats and additionally acts as an adaptogen, helping the body adapt to stress.

    • Evidence: Clinical trials have shown a significant reduction in Kupperman Index scores, which measure the severity of menopausal symptoms.

    • Usage: Benefits are typically seen after 12 weeks of daily use.

  4. Rhubarb Extract – ERr 731 (4 mg/day)

    • Benefits: ERr 731, a specific rhubarb extract, has been shown to lower the number and severity of hot flashes.

    • Evidence: Research indicates that long-term use (up to 48 weeks) results in sustainable benefits with minimal adverse effects.

    • Usage: Consistent daily intake is recommended, with noticeable improvements within 12 weeks.

  5. Vitamin E (400-800 IU/day)

    • Benefits: This vitamin helps decrease the severity and frequency of hot flashes and acts as a potent antioxidant in the body to reduce free radicals and support mitochondria. Vitamin E rich foods include wheat germ, almonds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts and avocados.

    • Evidence: Studies have shown that Vitamin E supplementation significantly reduces hot flash severity and frequency compared to placebo.

    • Usage: A minimum of four weeks of daily intake is required for optimal results.

Why Choose Complementary Therapies?

The appeal of plant-based supplements lies in their natural approach to symptom management, offering a gentler alternative or addition to menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). By incorporating supplements, lifestyle modifications, and acupuncture into their regimen, women can experience significant improvements in their quality of life, helping them navigate menopause with greater comfort and ease.

For more detailed protocols and to explore a curated list of these herbs, tap the link below to access trusted sources and start your journey towards relief today. And if you’re interested in acupuncture, Dr. Katie welcomes you to her practice as a patient.


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