Trigger Point Injections

Trigger points are areas of muscle spasms in the body that feel sensitive to the touch, often after intense physical exercise, injuries, or chronic overuse. A trigger point injection of a small amount of lidocaine allows the body's natural healing mechanism to take over and relieves pain.

  • Trigger points are areas of muscle “knots” or spasms in the body that feel sensitive to the touch, often resulting after intense physical exercise, injuries, or chronic overuse. You know this feeling as the “hurts so good” (or just hurts!) when someone gives you a massage.

    A trigger point in a muscle can cause strain within the muscle and in other related parts of the body through fascial connective tissue, leading to tightness and disruptions in our energy flow.

    Dr. Katie uses technique similar to acupuncture to relieve these areas of muscle spasm with a needle technique called a trigger point injection (TrP). A small amount of lidocaine, a local anesthetic, is injected into the sore muscle, allowing the muscle contraction to ease and the body’s natural healing to take over.

  • We recommend you arrive at your appointment with a little nourishment and hydration in your belly, and an empty bladder. These treatments often encourage your body’s “rest + digest” relaxation response which makes more urine, makes you hungry, or makes your body temperature decrease.

    TrP treatments are typically administered while you either sit upright or lie down in a comfortable treatment room. Soft music can be requested to increase your comfort.

    After treatment, we recommend you resume normal life carefully. You may feel a little tired, or a little more energized for the remainder of the day. We encourage you to choose mindful, gentle movement after sessions and not intense workouts. Generally, patients report feeling mild soreness from TrP treatment for about a day before the pain eases considerably.

Please note: all Supportive Wellness Services provided by Dr. Katie must be preceded by a new-patient Wellness Insights Consultation.

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