A Sizzling Outdoor Recipe: Teriyaki Tofu with Vegetables

Hosting friends at home is one of life's simple pleasures, and nothing beats enjoying gorgeous weather with your favorite people! Grilling is an excellent way to make a delicious, healthy meal with minimal kitchen mess. 

What’s the secret to great grilling? A flavorful marinade! 

While I love making my own, sometimes it's essential to honor your body's need for rest and convenience. This past weekend, I reached for Trader Joe’s Soyaki marinade. Though not as healthy as homemade, it's delicious, foolproof, and free of high-fructose corn syrup!

Health Benefits of Grilling Protein and Vegetables Together

Grilling combines the best of both worlds: tasty proteins and nutritious vegetables. Tofu, a plant-based protein, is rich in essential amino acids and offers a great source of iron and calcium. 

Vegetables, when grilled, retain most of their nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This method of cooking allows for a minimal loss of water-soluble vitamins, making your meal both delicious and nutrient-dense. 

Plus, grilling outdoors can boost your mood and decrease stress levels, thanks to the fresh air and natural sunlight. So, let’s embrace the health benefits of grilling and the joy of eating outside!

Recipe: Grilled Teriyaki Tofu with Vegetables

Serves: 4

Active Prep Time: 30 minutes
Inactive Marinade Time: 1-4 hours
Grill Time: 30 minutes


2 packages organic extra firm tofu, pressed

1 medium-large eggplant, sliced about ½ inch thick

2 heads of broccoli, cut into large florets

1 red or sweet onion, sliced about ½ inch thick into rings

2 zucchini, sliced about ½ inch thick on the diagonal or 1 package baby zucchini, sliced in half length-wise

2 yellow squash, sliced about ½ inch thick on the diagonal

2 sweet potatoes, sliced about ½ inch thick

Trader Joe’s Soyaki marinade + 1-2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) or water to dilute, if desired

Black sesame seeds


  1. Press the Tofu: Remove tofu from the package and wrap each block in 6-8 paper towels. Place on a cutting board and weight down with something heavy, like a cast-iron skillet or an old textbook. Repeat at least once. The tofu is ready when the paper towels are no longer wet and the tofu is more compressed. (If you prefer to save the environment from extra paper towel waste, buy a tofu press.)

  2. Marinate the Vegetables: While the tofu is pressing, cut up all vegetables and place them in a large bowl. Pour enough Soyaki marinade (diluted with EVOO or water, if desired) to coat. Stir the mixture every hour for even marinating.

  3. Marinate the Tofu: Slice the tofu block into slabs about ½ inch thick, then cut those rectangular slabs into triangles. Place in a baking dish and pour enough Soyaki marinade (diluted with EVOO or water, if desired) to coat. Flip after 1 hour and sprinkle with black sesame seeds.

  4. Grill the Vegetables and Tofu: Grill vegetables over medium heat until tender. Grill tofu until browned with grill marks.

Enjoy your meal outdoors for added health benefits and a wonderful time with friends!


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